Friday, November 1, 2013

In the beginning...


First, let me say I am Mimi to the most beautiful, personable, charming, delightful little boy in the world...yes- my grandson, Henry.  No- I'm not biased...why do you ask?  I have taken thousands of pictures of him in his 13 months and I have no intention of slowing down, which brings us to Courtney Slazinik's challenge over at Click It Up A Notch...

A picture a day for a year...a year...a whole year...every day...Well, I'm going to give it my best shot.  I love taking pictures, I'm a mediocre photo editor, but I have documented so many friends and family birthdays, weddings, parties, and basically their lives, that I think I'm ready to commit to a 365 project.  A picture a day for a year.  This should not be difficult for me...culling it down to just 1 picture will be the hard part...but hey, It's my blog...I can take as many pictures as I want, right?

My goal here would be to become a better editor and move from automatic settings to using my camera on manual.  I have a year to do it.  Sounds good at the moment...but I can see myself 358 days from now saying, "Shit!" I am still shooting auto!  Hahaha... My secondary goal is to remember each day.

Mondays and Fridays Henry comes to stay with us while Mommy and Daddy are working SO...every Monday and Friday for the next year you will be seeing pictures of Henry...starting with today.  This picture tells the story of our day, beautiful crisp fall day spent with a little boy who loves trucks.  The leaf truck obliged by coming around so we could hear the VROOM!!! and watch the vacuum.  It's not the most technically perfect picture taken with my cellphone, but I think it tells the story.  It was a good day for us both!

If this sounds like something you would enjoy too, head on over to Courtney's blog and sign up!


  1. That is an adorable photo!

  2. I am so wxcited to continue to follow Henry's adventures! What a cutie!
    April :)

  3. I LOVE this picture of Henry. He's so little, and the leaf truck is so BIG. I agree with you - I take the photos, but editing is not my first love. I'm learning. Little by little. I am hoping this 365 will get me in the routine of editing a little each day so that I can catch up for this year. I've been shooting in manual for the last year. You can do it!!! It gets easier. I have missed some shots though, which makes me a little sad.

    1. Emily...missing the shot is exactly what keeps my shooting in Auto! I'm so afraid I'll miss "the shot." I should just go out and shoot, shoot, shoot in manual things that don't matter. I have tried- and I can shoot somewhat successfully in Aperture priority, but I'm slow in changing settings. Thanks for your kind comments on's pretty hard to take a bad picture of him! haha!

  4. What a sweet photo! I've never seen a leaf truck before but I can only imagine how much a child would love to watch it in action. Can't wait to see more photos of Henry! Good luck with the 365 :)
