Saturday, November 9, 2013

Amazed by Apps


I find myself saying more and more often, "What's it going to be like in 10 years???!!!"  Technology is advancing at an incredible speed.  10 years ago I got my first digital camera, an Olympus, and it cost about $600.  It couldn't begin to do the things my $1.99 app from the iTunes store can do!  I took the picture below at my son and daughter-in-law's farm this morning.  I thought when I took it I might play around with black and white some more... oh my goodness...THIS is what I came up with...all for $1.99...

My original shot taken with my iphone 4S.
My edits using the BeFunky app...
My edits using Hello Camera's Art section...
So, I repeat... "What's it going to be like in 10 years?!  Maybe I'll think to myself, "I'd like a picture of that..." and it'll happen!  I'd be happy if my big camera "apps" were a little more user friendly!  Picture taking with an iphone is fun!


1 comment:

  1. what a fun post!! It is so much fun to play.. I really love the last one actually as it makes the farm have even a more "rustic" feel.. I grew up on a farm.. great memories :)
